My thoughts run free here...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


It's been almost a month since I updated my blog. Well, need you ask? Lots of things to do and not to mention my mood swings. Getting depressed as days pass by. But at the same time, I'm getting excited about attending University. What an ironic period in my life?!

I also got bored with my plain looking blog and considered switching to wordpress. Wordpress has a lot of themes and moreover it's an open-source blogging platform. But changed my mind, considering the downs of wordpress. Nothing matches blogger. The only problem with blogger right now is it's lack of templates, especially to those newly switched to blogger beta. Hopefully this problem has been or will be solved. But for now, I have made some changes to my blog.

Nothing much has been going on in my life right now. There'll be more excitement when I enter University and when I have more to blog about. I have also not read any interesting books to discuss about them. Just spending my time reading some scientific stuff.

At work, interesting things are happening. There are two new 3rd year students from NUS and one NTU student in our lab. Considering the practical aspects of scientific research, it seems like I know more than them! I was really shocked to know this. I didn't realise the benefits of this five-month internship when I started my job. But now I realise that I'm actually ahead of most of them who have never had any previous experience of research attachments. I've learned quite a lot of techniques in this lab. SDS-PAGE, Immunoblotting, Genotyping, PCR, Immunofluorescence, Histology work and a lot more.

For the past few days, I've been thinking about this blog. If you dig deeper to my previous entries, you will find a very different Priya. This blog has actually helped me to see a transition of myself. I am not the same kind of person I was when I started this blog. Is there more room for me to change? I don't know, only time will tell me the answer.

I want to write a long entry, but right now, I feel tired and want to sleep. So I'll come up with a longer post (or a shorter one, 'cause I can't really tell and 'cause I hate making promises) when the time and my mood coincides perfectly;)


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