My thoughts run free here...

Friday, November 30, 2007


Reading back the previous entries in my blog, I realise that I have changed a lot. My previous entries that I wrote in the start of this blog, they look really ridiculous now to me. It makes me wonder who this girl is? Haha. I've had that many changes within myself. Events that happened and that are happening in my life are changing me, hopefully into a better person.

I've been an atheist, and I still am. But I have come to understand how others understand God. I've also come to respect that. I can also define God in my own way. Also, learning more about Hinduism has made me interested in it! Now I've totally become a full-blown Hindu. I've also become a vegetarian recently, becoming aware of myself. People say I changed suddenly, but to be frank, these changes have been in me for a long long time. It's just that I've never really taken the effort to make a change! And a sudden jump into something alien to others, makes them think that I changed suddenly.

I've been like all other girls in life, in the past. I once had planned out my life with a loving husband, kids and a happy family. Haha. It seems ridiculous now, because now my views on these issues are also totally changed. Now my future only contains my career and ambitions for life. This transformation seems like a lot, but it was a gradual change of mind.

First, later in life, I decided not to have kids at all. I don't like them that much after all. But I kept it to myself, I didn't want to upset my parents and I didn't want my friends to know that too. But now I don't really care, I just voice out my opinions to them. Then the next step in this transformation happened when I started thinking "why marry at all in the first place". This was a year to half month ago. I can't remember exactly when.

I have always valued friendships much higher than BGR. When my friends, one by one, started going out with guys and having boy friends, I didn't really see the need for that in my case. I was happy by being just friends with one or two guys. I also truly believe that it is possible for a guy and girl to be just good friends forever. People will think I am crazy if I also add here "even after marriage". Haha. But that is my opinion, and I truly think it is practical. Why others think its not practical, I can understand why, but it is definitely possible. Maybe not for them because, they want to have more in a relationship than just friendship.

I am lucky to have been meeting some people who have similar views to mine, very few though. I thought I might be the only one thinking like that, but there are guys or gals out there having similar opinions. Haha. Who know? Maybe when I look back to this post in the future, I might be wondering who is this girl again!! My views might change, but for now it's almost settled and decided. Avoid marriage as much as possible, but if you are "forced" into it by parents to keep them happy or something, then marry a friend and live with them just as friends. That is my view and I do think it is practical.

Such transformations within myself!! I myself am surprised that I have changed this much. I don't know how or why it all happened. I don't want to dwell into that either. I am happy with the life I'm living right now. Really happy indeed, because I'm doing things that I am very much interested in. Life sciences, Hinduism, helping my friends, readind a lot, music!! I love all my friends and family... What more do I need in life?
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Exam Fever!!

Gosh!! Never in my life have I sat and studied for two whole weeks the amount of syllabus that should be studied over a month, and that too not for one but four modules!! Sigh! Last weeks were horrible. So much of anticipation, fear, frustration and impatience for the exams. I want them to be over soon and I want to get it over with. Sigh! Now has this explained my absence in the blogosphere for a few weeks?

The impatience is killing me and each day passes like a week!! I still can't believe that yesterday was my first exam I sat for. Good, one down, now three more to go:( After that, this blog is going to get a new look for the new year, and a new segment full of some songs I'll sing. I have created some karaoke for gals!! I'll upload them on for you to download and sing!! I'll also upload for guys, songs with girl's voice only. After learning to do minus tracks, I now realise why not every songs can be made into a karaoke. Because for most of the songs, once the vocals are removed, the song doesn't have the original quality anymore. Making karaoke is time-consuming. But I enjoy doing it. I'll do more after exams. Now you see why I can't wait for the exams to be over.

A lot of activities and work is coming up for me during the holidays too. There is this retreat camp for 3D2N!! A hinduism camp for youths, with lots of fun and games. Those Hindu Society (HS) people staying in Singapore during the holidays are going for it, including me!! And so many work to be done by the Publicity, for which I am incharge!! We'll be coming up with a new logo for Hindu Society and with a new t-shirt for our main committee!! NUS HS rocks!! It is going to be 25 years old soon!! And we are the 25th Exco! Sigh! Silver Jubilee will be held next year, during which we'll be launching our new logo.

Until the next post, this is Priya signing off. Bubye!!
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