My thoughts run free here...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In Sydney!

My first post from Sydney. This post signifies that I have settled in well in Sydney and that is how I have the mood to blog! After more than a month's time, first time I feel at 'home' here. It is amazing that I went through this transformation from being excited to depressed and finally attaining normalcy, fairly quickly. Usually it would take people longer. But that doesn't mean that I don't miss home! I do miss all of them a lot! But now, they have become more of a pleasant memory than a longing to be with them.

What I would share to prospective students going to study abroad, away from their home country, would be to only go to a country, in which they know someone, be it a friend or relative, is residing. This has been a great help for me! Especially when this is my first time parting with my family for a long period of time. But the experience is worth it. It is good to be independent, and we have to learn it in a hard way. I feel I've underestimated my ability to leave my friends and family and live away from them, after coming here. But I thank God for having made me get over it soon. Also, thanks for Macquarie University! The workload itself was enough to keep me busy :)

The units I am taking this semester are: Economic Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Principles of Accounting and Business Law. All challenging subjects, but also pretty basic! Econs is interesting, especially for a beginner like me. Although my friends who have studied Econs have no interest in it. QM is basically stats, which I am very familiar with, so no problem there :) Accounting unit is interesting and I've started doing my debits and credits, haha... And finally the Biz Law! Toughest subject of all the units I am taking this Sem. Lots and lots of cases to remember and memorise! Not to mention the legal jargon, having to study about the Australian legal system... Its pretty similar to Singapore, but there are differences too. All in all, the units are interesting, which is what is keeping me go on...

I hope to blog regularly. I wish I can, let's see if time permits me to do so.


Arjun Bala said...

Hi Priya,

I am visiting your blog after a long time. I see you are settled in Sydney. All the best for life at Sydney and Macquarie University. There is an interesting site for spiritual seekers like you called Speaking Tree. Check it out

celes said...

What degree are u doing? Masters in?

Priya said...

Hi Celes, I am doing Masters in Professional Accounting, which is a 1 1/2 years course.

Kasturi said...

Miss you lots dear.. But this is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn lots about life!! I'm glad u have settled in well :D

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