My thoughts run free here...

Monday, January 20, 2014

I have never felt this sure of life before. I feel really happy today for some reason, because there are some positive signs I see. I wish they stay that way, and slowly all things fall in place. 

For some good reason, certain things aren't happening in my life. And for some good reason, certain things are happening in my life. Whatever is happening, let it happen. Because I know God intends it to be for my good.

Many things I've gotten late in life. Maybe I have to wait for this to happen too. Yes, I'll wait. But dear God, please hurry and make it happen soon! 

I dream. I feel. I see. I give. I admire. I smile. I blush. I cry. I laugh. I love. All in silence. All in the hope that He understands what I am going through. All in the hope that He will never let me down.

(This post will be a meaningless blabber for most of you. But I expect none of you to understand it. Only I do. And maybe God does too.)


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