My thoughts run free here...

Saturday, May 31, 2014

What is the foundation of a great relationship?

What is the foundation of a great relationship? Sometimes I wonder what it is. Is it trust? But how do you build that trust with a person, let alone a total stranger? Is it physical chemistry? But even if it is, how long is that going to last?

It's friendship really. Only friendship could be the foundation of a wonderful relationship. Because with friendship, you develop the trust in the other person and by getting to know your friend, understanding also happens. There is this synchronization that two human beings go through, while spending time with each other. This synchronization is what makes us realise that after a period of friendship, the two minds start thinking alike. They are in sync with each other so much that trust and understanding comes naturally to them.

I came across this video recently and it amazed me. A guy admitting that he doesn't think of the girl he "really really really really really" likes in a sexual way:

I'm curious to know how true this is. Apparently, a lot of guys in the comments section agreed to this. It is interesting that a guy, who is programmed to think of every woman as a potential sexual conquest, could possibly "daydream about how to make her laugh".

Any thoughts? :)

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Monday, January 20, 2014

I have never felt this sure of life before. I feel really happy today for some reason, because there are some positive signs I see. I wish they stay that way, and slowly all things fall in place. 

For some good reason, certain things aren't happening in my life. And for some good reason, certain things are happening in my life. Whatever is happening, let it happen. Because I know God intends it to be for my good.

Many things I've gotten late in life. Maybe I have to wait for this to happen too. Yes, I'll wait. But dear God, please hurry and make it happen soon! 

I dream. I feel. I see. I give. I admire. I smile. I blush. I cry. I laugh. I love. All in silence. All in the hope that He understands what I am going through. All in the hope that He will never let me down.

(This post will be a meaningless blabber for most of you. But I expect none of you to understand it. Only I do. And maybe God does too.)
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Start of yet another new year...

Although I feel so out of touch from blogging, I suddenly felt the urge of blogging today. Especially since today is the start of yet another new year. 

For me, 2013 has given me some life-changing moments. First and foremost of all, was my graduation from Macquarie. My dad moving to Dubai for work and spending most of his time away from us. Landing my first full-time job through the goodness in the people I've met so far. Meeting some wonderful people at work, who would probably end up becoming my life-long friends if I continue to work in this company. It's been an amazing journey the past year. I can only think of thanking God for all that He has given me, both sadness and happiness. I feel so blessed to be in this place right now and I'll be thankful to God always.

Can be seen as both sunset (the end of 2013) and sunrise (the beginning of 2014)
Certain moments in life are best kept to oneself because their beauty lies in their secret that is known only to one person in the world. Such was my last day of 2013, spent with wonderful people. I had a great day and ended it off with some food and booze :) 

I wish 2014 would bring in wonderful moments too, whether it be rain or shine. The beauty of life lies in staying in the moment and soaking up all the goodness that life can offer. So my motto for 2014 would be to enjoy and be in the moment. "Don't think too much, just do it!"

I wish that I would get to spend more time with nature in 2014. I hope more opportunities for travelling will pop up. 

I wish that 2014 will bring in more people into my life. New relationships forged, friendships made and maybe love, if God has any plans for me in that department, yes I would very much welcome that ;) 

In essence, I wish that 2014 will bring in excellent tidings for all and may great things happen in this year! Unlike other years in the past, this year feels very pleasant and positive. I hope these wishes do come true...

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